PR flag  5 Ransomware victims from Puerto Rico

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Region: Americas

Capital: San Juan

Population: 3,615,086

1 CERT/CSIRT found

This page lists all the victims of ransomware attacks in database for Puerto Rico. We continously scrape ransomware group site to detect new victims.
PR flag

WorldNet Telecommunications LLC 

Company logo
Ransomware Group:

Discovery Date: 2025-01-23 14:50
Estimated Attack Date: 2025-01-10

WorldNet stands out for offering services to companies with a ful l range of technology solutions, including digital security, IT c onsulting, voice, data, cloud services, broadband Internet, satel lite telephony and business continuity. We are ready to upload more than 8 GB of private corporate docume nts such as: license agreements, NDAs, internal financial data (a udits, payment details, reports), insurance documents, customer c ontact emails and phones, etc.

Victim:   |  Group: 
PR flag

Like Family’s 

Company logo
Ransomware Group:

Discovery Date: 2024-09-15 01:32
Estimated Attack Date: 2024-09-14

Sector: Healthcare
www.likefamilypr.comLike Family is a Puerto Rican...

Victim:   |  Group: 
PR flag 

Company logo
Ransomware Group:

Discovery Date: 2024-09-03 20:32
Estimated Attack Date: 2024-08-05

Download link #1:  https://[redacted].onion/RANGERAMERICAN/PROOF/Mirror: https://[redacted].onion/RANGERAMERICAN/PROOF/DATA DESCRIPTIONS: Personal Identifiable Information, customer info, contracts, employees\executives personal and corporate data, accounting\payroll, corporate correspondence, etc.

Victim:   |  Group: 
PR flag 

Company logo
Ransomware Group:

Discovery Date: 2024-05-31 16:29

Sector: Technology

Victim:   |  Group: 
PR flag

WorldNet Telecommunications and ISP 

Company logo
Ransomware Group:

Discovery Date: 2020-06-01 00:00
