BY flag  2 Ransomware victims from Belarus

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Region: Europe

Capital: Minsk

Population: 9,475,100

2 CERTs/CSIRTs found

This page lists all the victims of ransomware attacks in database for Belarus. We continously scrape ransomware group site to detect new victims.
BY flag 

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Ransomware Group:

Discovery Date: 2024-12-15 09:55
Estimated Attack Date: 2024-11-30

👈 **Oops, all the files have been deleted ****🔥**** [+] Shintekhsnab specializes in selling tires, batteries, and accessories for vehicles, including trucks, cars, and agricultural equipment. [+] ******** Dragons ****🌟****.**

Victim:   |  Group: 
BY flag 

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Ransomware Group:

Discovery Date: 2024-04-25 22:26

Sector: Technology
Онлайн продажа билетов по маршруту Бобруйск - Минск - Бобруйск ⭐️ Покупка занимает 2 минуты ⭐️ Ознакомьтесь с рассписанием и ценами ️️⭐️ Бесплатный возврат, удобное приложение для телефона, sms оповещение.

Victim:   |  Group: