AF flag  3 Ransomware victims for Afghanistan

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Region: Asia

Capital: Kabul

Population: 26,023,100

This page lists all the victims of ransomware attacks in database for Afghanistan. We continously scrape ransomware group site to detect new victims.
AF flag 

Company logo
Ransomware Group:

Discovery Date: 2024-09-15 12:38

Sector: Technology
Data from Taliban users.

Victim:   |  Group: 
AF flag

The Islamic Emirat of Afghanistan National Environmental Protection Agency  

Company logo
Ransomware Group:

Discovery Date: 2024-05-04 14:11

Visits: 82 Data Size: 48GB Published: False

Victim:   |  Group: 
AF flag 

Company logo
Ransomware Group:

Discovery Date: 2024-06-04 23:27
Estimated Attack Date: 2024-04-22

Victim:   |  Group: