Tactics, Techniques and Procedures for  Ransomhub

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Execution (TA0002) Defense Evasion (TA0005) Lateral Movement (TA0008) Impact (TA0040)
Windows Management Instrumentation (T1047)
The ransomware deletes shadow copies using the WMIC.exe utility.
Indicator Removal: Clear Windows Event Logs (T1070.001)
The ransomware clears the victim machine's application, system, and security event logs using the wevtutil.exe utility.
Lateral Tool Transfer (T1570)
Affiliates were identified using: psexec.exe, PsExec.exe, and smbexec.exe for lateral movement.
Data Encrypted for Impact (T1486)
Files are encrypted using file replacement method.
Command and Scripting Interpreter: Windows Command Shell (T1059.003)
The ransomware utilizes cmd.exe to execute various Windows utilities to implement various other techniques.
Impair Defenses: Disable or Modify Tools (T1562)
Threat actors use files such as: STONESTOP and POORTRY to load drivers for the purpose of disabling and deleting AV files.
Service Stop (T1489)
The Windows IIS service stop command is executed using iisreset.exe. Allows for encryption of web applications hosted on IIS servers as files linked to these applications are typically locked while IIS is running.
Inhibit System Recovery (T1490)
The ransomware deletes system shadow copies to inhibit system recovery.

This information is provided by Crocodyli or Ransomware.live