Ransomware Group:  

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Sites | Ransom Note(s) | Activity | Worldmap | Victims (2)

According to OALabs, this ransomware has the following features: * Files are encrypted with AES CBC using a generated 256 bit key and IV.* The generated AES keys are encrypted using a hard coded RSA key and appended to the encrypted files.


Favicon Title Type Available Last Visit FQDN Screenshot
CryptNet RECOVERY 🔴 2025-01-28 10:00:29.508811 cryptr3fmuv4di5uiczofjuypopr63x2gltlsvhur2ump4ebru2xd3yd.onion N/A
CryptNet NEWS 🔴 2025-01-28 10:01:01.291156 blog6zw62uijolee7e6aqqnqaszs3ckr5iphzdzsazgrpvtqtjwqryid.onion N/A

Ransom Note(s)

Activity over time


2 Victims


Export Hub 

Company logo
Ransomware Group:

Discovery Date: 2023-04-19 20:00

ExportHub Ltd. is committed to safeguarding its users' privacy. We request all our users to read the following 'privacy policy' to understand how their personal & business information will be treated, as they make full use of our services to their benefit. This policy is applicable only to the entire network of marketplaces operated by EH and not by any other company. ExportHub's primary goal in collecting personal or public information is to provide the user with a customized experience on our network of sites. This includes personalized services, interactive communication and other services, most of which are completely free and remaining are paid. Business information is used to display the user's business listing or product offerings across our network to fetch maximum business opportunities for the user....

Victim:   |  Group: 

Urban Import 

Company logo
Ransomware Group:

Discovery Date: 2023-04-19 20:00

Urban Import was established in 2001 by fellow automotive enthusiasts to provide customers with an unrivaled selection of top quality aftermarket automotive parts. After cementing our presence as an eBay Power Seller, we launched our first online retail site carrying some of the top performance brands of the time. As the aftermarket performance industry began to boom, Urban Import focused on expanding its lineup by securing exclusive distributorship of the D2 Racing brand in North America....

Victim:   |  Group: