Yara Rules for Ransomware group  globeimposter

GlobeImposter, NewBomani ransomware

rule GlobeImposter
        author = "rivitna"
        family = "ransomware.globeimposter.windows"
        description = "GlobeImposter ransomware Windows payload"
        severity = 10
        score = 100

        $a1 = "\x00010001\x00" ascii
        $a2 = "\x000123456789ABCDEF\x00" ascii
        $a3 = { 33 C0 [0-1] EB 05 B8 00 AF FF FF C2 0? }

        $b1 = "\x00Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\RunOnce\x00" wide
        $b2 = "\x00LOCALAPPDATA\x00" wide
        $b3 = "\x00APPDATA\x00" wide
        $b4 = "\x00public\x00" wide
        $b5 = "\x00ALLUSERSPROFILE\x00" wide

        ((uint16(0) == 0x5A4D) and (uint32(uint32(0x3C)) == 0x00004550)) and
        (filesize < 100000) and
            (all of ($a*)) and
            (3 of ($b*))

rule NewBomani
        author = "rivitna"
        family = "ransomware.newbomani.windows"
        description = "NewBomani ransomware Windows payload"
        severity = 10
        score = 100

        $a1 = { 7C ?? 7F 07 3D 00 00 ?0 0? 76 0? [4-12] 7C ?? 7F 07
                3D 00 00 40 06 76 ?? }
        $a2 = "expand 32-byte kexpand 16-byte k\\\x00" ascii
        $a3 = "{{IDENTIFER}}\x00" ascii

        $b1 = "EES401EP2\x00" ascii
        $b2 = { 91 01 00 08 01 00 08 00 08 00 06 00 85 00 65 00 70 00 0B 00
                0A 00 06 00 01 00 02 10 }
        $b3 = "EES587EP1\x00" ascii
        $b4 = { 4B 02 00 08 01 00 0A 00 0A 00 08 00 C4 00 9D 00 C0 00 0B 00
                0D 00 07 00 01 00 05 11 }

        ((uint16(0) == 0x5A4D) and (uint32(uint32(0x3C)) == 0x00004550)) and
        (filesize < 100000) and
            (2 of ($a*)) or
            ((1 of ($a*)) and (1 of ($b*)))