Initial Access (TA0001) | Privilege Escalation (TA0004) | Defense Evasion (TA0005) | Command and Control (TA0011) | Impact (TA0040) | Resource Development (TA0042) |
Remote Services: Remote Desktop Protocol (T1021.001) BlackSuit actors use RDP compromise as a secondary initial access vector. |
Valid Accounts (T1078) BlackSuit actors used a legitimate administrator account to gain access privileges to the domain controller. |
Remote Services: Remote Desktop Protocol (T1021.001) BlackSuit actors used valid accounts to move laterally through the domain controller using RDP. |
Ingress Tool Transfer (T1105) BlackSuit actors used C2 infrastructure to download various tools. |
Data Encrypted for Impact (T1486) BlackSuit actors encrypted data to identify which files were being used or locked by other applications. |
Acquire Access (T1650) BlackSuit actors may leverage brokers to gain initial access. |
External Remote Services (T1133) BlackSuit actors gain initial access through a variety of RMM software. |
Valid Accounts: Domain Accounts (T1078.002) BlackSuit actors used encrypted files to create new administrator user accounts. |
Indicator Removal: Clear Windows Event Logs (T1070.001) BlackSuit actors deleted shadow files and system and security logs after exfiltration. |
Protocol Tunneling (T1572) BlackSuit actors used an encrypted SSH tunnel to communicate within the C2 infrastructure. |
Inhibit System Recovery (T1490) BlackSuit actors encrypted data to identify which files were being used or locked by other applications. |
Exploit Public-Facing Application (T1190) BlackSuit actors gain initial access through public-facing applications. |
Automated Collection (T1119) BlackSuit actors used registry keys to extract and collect files automatically. |
Phishing (T1566) BlackSuit criminals often obtain initial access to victim networks through phishing. |
Domain Policy Modification: Group Policy Modification (T1484.001) BlackSuit actors modified Group Policy Objects to bypass antivirus protocols. |
Phishing: Spear phishing Attachment (T1566.001) BlackSuit agents have used malicious PDF document attachments in phishing campaigns. |
Impair Defenses: Disable or Modify Tools (T1562.001) BlackSuit actors disabled antivirus protocols. |
Phishing: Spear phishing Link (T1566.002) Actors gain initial access through malvertising links via emails and public websites. |
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