Ransom Note for   xorist


    All your important files were encrypted on this computer.
You can verify this by click on see files an try open them.

Encrtyption was produced using unique KEY generated for this computer.

To decrypted files, you need to otbtain private key.
The single copy of the private key, with will allow you to decrypt the files, is locate on a secret server on the internet;
The server will destroy the key within 24 hours after encryption completed.
Payment have to be made in maxim 24 hours
To retrieve the private key, you need to pay 3 BITCOINS

Bitcoins have to be sent to this address: 1NJNG57hFPPcmSmFYbxKmL33uc5nLwYLCK

After you've sent the payment send us an email to : fast_decrypt_and_protect@tutanota.com with subject : ERROR-ID-63100778(3BITCOINS)
If you are  not familiar with bitcoin you can buy it from here :

SITE : www.localbitcoin.com

After we confirm the payment , we send the private key so you can decrypt your system.