Ransom Note for   Snatch


    Hello! All your files are encrypted and only we can decrypt them.

We have downloaded more that 500GB of sensitive data from your company servers.

Contact us: legalrestore@airmail.cc or 2020host2021@tutanota.com

Write us if you want to return your files - we can do it very quickly!

The header of letter must contain extension of encrypted files.
We always reply within 24 hours. If not - check spam folder, resend your letter or try send letter from another email service (like protonmail.com).

Do not rename or edit encrypted files: you may have permanent data loss.
Do not edit or delete any virtual machines files

To prove that we can recover your files, we am ready to decrypt any three files (less than 1Mb) for free (except databases, Excel and backups).

If you do not email us in the next 48 hours then your data may be lost permanently.