Ransom Note for   nullbulge



	>>>> Your data is encrypted... but dont freak out

	If we encrypted you, you majorly fucked up. But... all can be saved
	But not for free, we require an xmr payment

	>>>> What guarantees that we will not deceive you? 

	We are not a politically motivated group and we do not need anything other than your money. 
	If you pay, we will provide you the programs for decryption.
	Life is too short to be sad. Dont be sad money is only paper. Your files are more important than paper right?
	If we do not give you decrypter then nobody will pay us in the future. 
	To us, our reputation is very important. There is no dissatisfied victim after payment.

>>>> You may contact us and decrypt one file for free on these TOR sites with your personal DECRYPTION ID

	Download and install TOR Browser https://www.torproject.org/
	Write to a chat and wait for the answer, we will always answer you. 
	Sometimes you will need to wait a while
	Links for Tor Browser:

	Link for the normal browser
>>>> Your personal DECRYPTION ID: [snip]

>>>> Warning! Do not DELETE or MODIFY any files, it can lead to recovery problems!