Ransom Note for   kuiper


    Your network has been compromised! All your important data has been encrypted!

There is  only one way to get your data back to normal:

1. Contact us as soon as possible to avoid damages and losses from your business.
2. Send to us any encrypted file of your choice and your personal key.
3. We will decrypt 1 file for test (maximum file size = 1 MB), its guaranteed that we can decrypt your files.
4. Pay the amount required in order to restore your network back to normal.
5. We will then send you our software to decrypt and will guide you through the whole restoration of your network.

We prefer Monero (XMR) - FIXED PRICE
We accept Bitcoin (BTC) - 20% extra of total payment!


Do not rename encrypted data.
Do not try to decrypt using third party software, it may cause permanent data loss not being able to recover.


Contact information:

In order to contact us, download with the following software: https://qtox.github.io or https://tox.chat/download.html
Then just add us in TOX: D27A7B3711CD1442A8FAC19BB5780FF291101F6286A62AD21E5F7F08BD5F5F1B9803AAC6ECF9


Through email: kuipersupport@onionmail.org

Your personal id: [snip]