Ransom Note for   donut


    <!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en"><head><meta charset="UTF-8"><style>
  height: 100vh;
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;
  background-color: black;
  font-family: 'Oswald', sans-serif;
  text-transform: uppercase;
  font-size: 90%;
  text-align: left;
  color: white;
  display: inline-block;
.container {
        overflow: hidden;
        background-color: black;
        height: 100%;
.container {
        color: white;
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<div class="container"><pre class="center" id="d"></pre></div><script>
var pretag = document.getElementById("d");
var tmr1 = undefined,
  tmr2 = undefined;
var A = 1,
  B = 1;
var asciiframe = () => {
  var b = [];
  var z = [];
  A += 0.07;
  B += 0.03;
  var cA = Math.cos(A),
    sA = Math.sin(A),
    cB = Math.cos(B),
    sB = Math.sin(B);
  for (var k = 0; k < 1760; k++) {
    b[k] = k % 80 == 79 ? "\n" : " ";
    z[k] = 0;
  for (var j = 0; j < 6.28; j += 0.07) {
    var ct = Math.cos(j),
      st = Math.sin(j);
    for (i = 0; i < 6.28; i += 0.02) {
      var sp = Math.sin(i),
        cp = Math.cos(i),
        h = ct + 2, // R1 + R2*cos(theta)
        D = 1 / (sp * h * sA + st * cA + 5),
        t = sp * h * cA - st * sA;
      var x = 0 | (40 + 30 * D * (cp * h * cB - t * sB)),
        y = 0 | (12 + 15 * D * (cp * h * sB + t * cB)),
        o = x + 80 * y,
        N =
          0 |
          (8 *
            ((st * sA - sp * ct * cA) * cB -
              sp * ct * sA -
              st * cA -
              cp * ct * sB));
      if (y < 22 && y >= 0 && x >= 0 && x < 79 && D > z[o]) {
        z[o] = D;
        b[o] = ".,-~:;=!*#$@"[N > 0 ? N : 0];
  pretag.innerHTML = b.join("");
setInterval(asciiframe, 50)
So what happened?

All files are encrypted with Integrated Encryption Scheme.
The file structure was not damaged. You have been assigned a unique identifier.
After infection, you have 96 hours to declare decryption.

After the expiration of 96 hours, decryption cost will be automatically increased.
Now you should send us message with your personal ID, which is at the bottom of the message.
We hope that you understand the importance of the work we have done.

Before paying you can send us 2 files for free decryption.
The total size of files must be less than 2Mb.
Files should not contain valuable information (databases, backups, large excel sheets, etc..).

Attention! If you want to RECOVER YOUR DATA without problems - NEVER!!! :
reboot, disconnect hard drives or take any action unless you know WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!!
Otherwise, we cannot be 100% sure that the decryptor will work correctly.


If you will try to use any third party software for restoring your data or antivirus solutions:
this can lead to complete damage to all files and their irrecoverable loss.
Any changes in encrypted files may entail damage of the private key and the loss of all data.

Your personal id: [snip]
Username and password are identical to above.

Since we are using SSL encryption as well as .onion, the certificate is not properly signed.
So in order to get into the chat, you need to confirm the insecure connection exception.
Or just use our embeded APP (Windows version only for now). Thank you for understanding.

You can download TOX here:

You can also write to the chat located in TOR network at:

You can download TOR browser here:

our TOX below:

We hope you carefully read this message and already know what to do.