Ransom Note for   ctblocker


    Your documents, photos, databases and other important files have been encrypted
with strongest encryption and unique key, generated for this computer.
Private decryption key is stored on a secret Internet server and nobody can
decrypt your files until you pay and obtain the private key.
If you see the main locker window, follow the instructions on the locker.
Overwise, it's seems that you or your antivirus deleted the locker program.
Now you have the last chance to decrypt your files.
Open http://ohmva4gbywokzqso.onion.cab or http://ohmva4gbywokzqso.tor2web.org
in your browser. They are public gates to the secret server.
If you have problems with gates, use direct connection:
1. Download Tor Browser from http://torproject.org
2. In the Tor Browser open the http://ohmva4gbywokzqso.onion/
Note that this server is available via Tor Browser only.
Retry in 1 hour if site is not reachable.
Copy and paste the following public key in the input form on server. Avoid missprints.
Follow the instructions on the server.