Ransomware negotiation(s) with
hi we have crypted files,... can you help us?
Price for 1 pc - 0.25 btc (bitcoin)
You pay, we give you a decryption program.
1 pc - 0.25 btc (bitcoin)
Bitcoin wallet [redacted]
We are a Tunisian company
We do not have the support to pay in bitcoin because the tunisian state blocks this type of transaction
SERVTUNISIE.[redacted].local [redacted] C:\476 D:\558 F:\931 [redacted]
your coworkers have already bought two keys ask them or search for how to buy bitcoin in your country.
[redacted]@gmail.com their mailing address
my boss is currently traveling, as soon as he returns, we will come back to you for a better solution
Please help us to recover some minimum documents
price 0.25 bitcoin for 1 ID
hi, we would like
information about uncrypt,, can i uncrypt file on other computer (of
course if we pay) or it is only possible on orginal computer?
pay and we'll give you a decoder.
the file can be decrypted on any computer
when can I expect payment from you?
we have some problem to have bitcoin, in tunisia it is very difficult
and the value is very hight
we need only 2 files inside the PC it is possible to have only for it with discount price
0.25 bitcoin minimum price
ok so 0.25 bitcoin is for one PC?
if i pay this evening, you send decryptor under 1 hours or no?
we have pay,...https://mempool.space/tx/[redacted]
we have pay,...https://mempool.space/tx/[redacted]
file crypted for define decryptor https://file.io/[redacted]
we have problem my VHDX files are now uncrypted, but inside all files are always crypted?
[redacted] C:\476 D:\558 F:\931 [redacted]... serveur-3cx
[redacted] SERVTUNISIE [redacted] C:\476 D:\558 F:\931
[redacted]... SERVFICHIERTN [redacted] C:\126 D:\126 E:\99.9
F:\99.9 G:\99.9 H:\99.9 I:\99.9 J:\99.9 K:\99.9 L:\99.9 M:\99.9 N:\99.9
O:\399 Q:\99.9 R:\2.99 T:\109 U:\126 [redacted]...
SERVTUNISIE.[redacted].local [redacted] C:\476 D:\558 F:\931
[redacted]... [redacted] [redacted] C:\278 D:\727 E:\390
F:\223 G:\953 H:\953 J:\279 V\5.4Tb [redacted]...
[redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted]
[redacted] [redacted] [redacted]... [redacted]
[redacted] C:\278 D:\727 E:\390 F:\223 G:\953 H:\953 J:\279 V\5.4Tb
[redacted]... [redacted] [redacted] [redacted]
[redacted] C:\126 [redacted]... [redacted] [redacted]
[redacted] [redacted] C:\126 [redacted]...
serv-data [redacted] C:\476 D:\279 E:\953 F:\1.86Tb G:\1.86Tb H:\250
I:\109 J:\199 K:\126 L:\299 M:\59.9 O:\558 P:\299 Q:\9.98 W:\299
[redacted]... [redacted]-[redacted] [redacted] C:\237
[redacted]... SERVFRANCE [redacted] FR-001 [redacted]
C:\222 [redacted]... [redacted]-[redacted] [redacted] C:\222
[redacted]... FR-010 [redacted] C:\137 D:\100
[redacted]... SERVEUR-3CX [redacted]
Pc-[redacted].[redacted].local [redacted] PC_TEST [redacted]
C:\140 E:\465 [redacted]... SERV-DATA [redacted]
SERVFRANCE [redacted] Serveur-fichier [redacted] SAUVE-SERV
[redacted] C:\126 E:\199 [redacted]... SERVEUR-RDS
[redacted] SERV-DATA [redacted]
you have a lot of ID
this file with a different key you didn't pay for it buy all remaining
IDs at a discounted price 0.5 for all
This information is provided by Valéry Marchive & Julien Mousqueton