Ransomware negotiation(s) with  revil

Hello, We are REvil Group. We want to inform that your company local network have been hacked and encrypted. We have all your local network data. The Price to unlock is $1,000,000. Now we're keeping it a secret, but if you do not reply us within 3 days it will be posted on our news-site. Think about the financial damage to your stock price from this publication. In case of successful negotiations we guarantee that you will get decryptors for all your machines, non recoverable removal of downloaded data and security report on how you were hacked to fix your vulnerabilities. We hope that you can correctly assess the risks for your company. You can find more information about REvil group in Google. Posting on our blog and further publications in the media will lead to significant losses for your company: court and government fines, data recovery, loss of reputation, abandonment of clients, drop in limits. But don't panic! We are in business, not in war. We can unblock your data and keep everything secret. All we need is a ransom. In this case, you also get: a security report, a complete tree of compromised data files, permanently deleting downloaded data, support with tips on unlocking and protecting.

1 month ago

Okay. I appreciate your introduction. My name is [redacted] and I'm part of the IT team here. My manager is asking if you can show us all of the data that you took?

1 month ago

You will receive complete data only after payment. We can only give an example of the data taken.

1 month ago

Okay. That may work for now. How long does that example take to get from you?

1 month ago

from several hours to a day

1 month ago

wait for answer.

1 month ago

Are you here?

1 month ago


1 month ago

Will you share the example data today?

1 month ago

We need time. You are not the only one who needs to provide evidence of a break-in

1 month ago

Okay. Can we discuss this price then? We're a non-profit organization with the majority of services covered by tax payers/state government. We help treat a variety of patients from cancer to mental health. It's very important we get our systems back quickly. My manager said we can promise you an almost immediate payment, but not at $1M. It would be impossible

1 month ago

In case of quick payment, we are ready to offer you a 20% discount

1 month ago

This is generous, my manager is happy to know you are willing to help us with the price. He thinks even still 20% is too much for us to be able to pay, but said they will discuss it when everyone else is online again. Please send the example files whenever you have them

1 month ago

We are working on it. But you can also make your proposal and my boss will consider it.

1 month ago

Okay. My manager is willing to make a proposal after we receive the files, so I will keep an eye out for your update.

1 month ago

Any luck with getting the files so that I can share with my manager? The sooner I send them the files, the sooner we can talk about coming to an agreement.

1 month ago

Part of random lines from the tree file

1 month ago

Thank you. Can you send me these files? [redacted]passport.pdf, mandatoryreport.docx and [redacted].pdf

1 month ago


1 month ago

You can send the other 2 also?

1 month ago

yes wait

1 month ago

Okay thank you

1 month ago


1 month ago


1 month ago

Thank you I will be right back

1 month ago

We'd like to move very quickly with you. Given what we do, it's important we have your decryptor as soon as possible to get our systems back so we can keep helping patients. We can't afford the price you indicate on the site, but we can pay you $195,000 today. We already started the wire process to a broker in the US so that it arrives immediately

1 month ago

20% discount its all.

1 month ago

We can't make that happen. We don't have that kind of funding. Please think this over, we really need our data back and you're the only one who can help us with that.

1 month ago

Your offer is too small

1 month ago

What do you propose then? Please understand the circumstances we are in. Everything is shut down, we can't help our patients. Everyday we are down, the worse off we are. We need to purchase the tool quickly and in good faith, already hired a broker in the US to assist us and sent him some funds so he can buy crypto quickly for you.

1 month ago

It's very late here already, I've been working all day but will stay up all night if it means we can have a compromise with you today

1 month ago

We have been administrators of your network for a long time and we know how much you are willing to pay. Our latest offer is 700k but that's all

1 month ago

Our servers have hundreds of gigabytes of your confidential data. You must understand the seriousness of the situation.

1 month ago

If that is true then you would have seen we are just a non-profit and don't have millions. We don't operate like large companies. Any money we get comes from donations or the government and is used to provide our services. We have many expenses and a low budget. Please understand that even something like $500,000 is a lot of money for us and we can't make that happen. WIth COVID we weren't able to have as many events/fundraisers as usually. These are the drivers of our income, it's been a difficult time for us, everyone really. I can certainly check with the board on what else we can do, but will need to wake some of them so please wait. We seriously need to be back today

1 month ago

We can wait, but ours, we gave you the last sentence

1 month ago

Are you the owner for REvil?

1 month ago

If you are, please find it in your heart to help us here. We'll never have $700k and I will do what I can to figure out where to pull money from, but we need help

1 month ago

no , support.

1 month ago

Okay I got in touch with some of the board, they want me to express how important it is that we reach an agreement today. We don't have time to waste and I can pay you immediately. We have confirmation the US broker received our money transfer. The budget we have is fixed annually so we can't reallocate funding. The board was able to connect with a partner that committed to donating sooner than normal. We can pay you $255k right now. Thank you

1 month ago

We have too much sensitive data to accept such a low offer. 650k and we agree

1 month ago

It's impossible. It would take months for us to get that kind of money. Please think on our offer. Please discuss with your team internally. This is very serious for us and we need to pay you today. We have no other way to get money. We were lucky to find the partner to help us out this time

1 month ago

You should make an offer above otherwise we will not be able to agree

1 month ago

I don't think we can get much more than what we offered. Please talk to your team/boss and let me know. $650k is impossible, $500k is impossible. We are 100% ready to pay you immediately. I will be here until the job is done.

1 month ago

Then we will not be able to agree

1 month ago

Did you talk to them and explain the scenario? We're doing everything we can here and are ready to pay asap. I'm sure you have much larger clients that can pay this kind of amount, but that's not us. We don't want to waste any more of your time on this, I'm sure you are talking to many people like me at the same time. Please reconsider our offer and see if you can accept something closer to what we offered!

1 month ago

650 is the last thing my boss has to offer. The price for selling your data will be much higher

1 month ago

We can never do it! The original asking price was set too high for us. You have our files and like you said, were on our systems for a while. I don't doubt this at all. You can check our files/systems and see we never had this kind of money. DId you tell your boss we can pay you right now??

1 month ago

I passed the information directly to the boss and everything he has to offer 650k

1 month ago

I just called the broker company helping us with payment and they said good things about you and historically REvil has given much larger discounts than 35%. Please if you can offer a better price we will do our best to figure this out. It's very late here, I'm very tired but need to get this completed

1 month ago

If you are willing to pay quickly, we will approve the amount of 600k. But this is only in case of quick payment.

1 month ago

But we only have $255k. HOw are we supposed to get more money? It's very early morning here, everything is closed. I need to have this done before business hours. We were lucky the partner was still available and offered to help. We don't have any more options

1 month ago

We cannot offer any other solution to the problem. We can wait there is no problem.

1 month ago

We are ready to consider options for a deferred payment if you pay 300k now and receive a decryptor and 300k the next day for non-dissemination of your data.

1 month ago

This is really the last thing we can offer

1 month ago

If we wait any longer, we incur major risks

1 month ago

I don't have $300k and then another

1 month ago

Then we will not be able to agree

1 month ago

This is really disappointing. We're making great strides to fix this with you

1 month ago

We are ready to consider options for a deferred payment if you pay 255k now and receive a decryptor and 355k the next day for non-dissemination of your data.

1 month ago

Its all !

1 month ago

We can't!! How do I get $355k out of nowhere? We might be able to get a few more thousand dollars but definitely not $355k. I think the most we can actually send you is $284,811.29. THis is what we wired to the broker and he can purchase the crypto. His own fee is included in that amount but I think I can ask him to hold off on charging that so the full amount is yours okay? Please let me call him and ask this. It is only the afternoon where he is so it should be fast

1 month ago

He agreed to help, which means the full amount we sent can go to you today. Please let me know!

1 month ago

300 and okay

1 month ago

price update you can pay.

1 month ago

Thank you!! We will figure out the remaining amount, but I think this is possible. Thank you so much

1 month ago

Can you unlock this? We don't have a picture to use

1 month ago


1 month ago

Thank you!!

1 month ago

Can you confirm what we will receive today after we pay you $300k?

1 month ago

Are you here?

1 month ago

After payment you receive: - Universal decryptor for your all network - The complete deletion of all your files with our warranty not to use the data for any purpose. - 100% confidentiality of this incident and all terms of the transaction on our part. - Complete audit of your network to prevent similar attacks in the future

1 month ago

Ok thank you for sending over this confirmation for me! I am working on sending payment, I will send you a confirmation here once it goes through. But I can only pay in bitcoin, where do I send it?

1 month ago

Are you here? Please confirm where I should send the bitcoin.

1 month ago

Are you here?

1 month ago

You can use Bitcoin instead of Monero, but it will be more expensive for you in case of our merchant additional fee, so if u want to pay in BTC u need to add +10%. Or u can simply buy monero on this exchanges and withdraw on ur own wallet and send to us. https://www.okex.com/markets/spot?product=xmr_usdt https://www.binance.com/en/trade/XMR_BTC https://hitbtc.com/xmr-to-usdt https://www.hbg.com/en-us/exchange/xmr_usdt and there are all of the ways to get monero https://www.getmonero.org/community/merchants/#exchanges

1 month ago

btc enabled update

1 month ago

We can only pay in bitcoin because that's the only payment method the broker will help us with. We are giving you everything that we can to just reach $300k. We are ready to pay you quickly but we don't have an extra $30k to give you. Please, can we just pay the $300k that we agreed to in bitcoin so we can pay you quickly.

1 month ago

10% commission is charged by our payment processor, we have nothing to do with this money. Below 300k we will not accept

1 month ago

Are you ableto make the price $270k and then with the 10% it equals all of the $300k? We don't have another $30k. Some of us are going to max our credit card to get near the $300k you're asking. We really can't make another $30k happen and the broker in the US said its illegal to pay in monero, this is why it must be bticoins please

1 month ago

There is nothing we can do to help. Our latest offer is 300k. If not, we will simply publish your details. We made maximum concessions

1 month ago

Come on mate please help me out, we came this far. The broker said majority of the time you waive the 10%. I don't want to waste anymore of your time on this with me, let's just be done. I can't get any more money

1 month ago

not interested.

1 month ago

You're going to turn us away over 10%? What is this even for?

1 month ago

After 12 hours, the amount will return to 1kk

1 month ago

I need to know why you add the 10%, I can't just ask someone for $30k with no explanation

1 month ago

I repeat bitcoin transactions are tracked and the payment gateway takes a commission to clear them

1 month ago

They charge you 10% when you try to clear it ? Or is it a small % and you are adding more? Can we agree on 3% ?

1 month ago


1 month ago

You're killing me!!

1 month ago

Our agreement 300k will not be lower

1 month ago

We agree with $300k, but youre trying to add another $30k and we don't have any way to make that happen. We can only send you exactly $300k in bitcoin, you won't get less than this!

1 month ago

Then pay in Monero 300k

1 month ago

It's illegal!

1 month ago

These are not our problems

1 month ago

If you need decryptor pay.

1 month ago

Why do you ask for payment in a currency the US can't pay ?

1 month ago

If you keep asking stupid questions, you will be banned from this chat. Either you pay, or we publish your data in the media with the subsequent sale, you must pass this information to your boss.

1 month ago

He understands, we're trying to figure it out. There's no way to make the 10% lower?? Also he wants to know if you will let us download all the files you took from us after payment

1 month ago

We provide a complete file tree for complete confidentiality after payment arrives at our account, the data is automatically deleted along with the server.

1 month ago

Okay we 100% would like the file tree before you delete the files. But if there is any way we can download the files before you delete them, that would be preffered. Is that possible at all?

1 month ago

No, this violates our privacy policy.

1 month ago

Only file tree

1 month ago

Okay thank you. Some people are just getting online now, so I will let you know soon on the payment

1 month ago


1 month ago

Can you lock the amount to be 6.0027 BTC so we can purchase the right amount without having to go back to our vendor multiple times?

1 month ago


1 month ago

Sorry our US broker hasn't been responsive, but I think that is because of the time zone. Can we still pay you in a few hours when they are online? I did not expect this to happen, but wanted to let you know that everything is set, I am just waiting on them

1 month ago

No problem

1 month ago

Thank you very much! I appreciate your help.

1 month ago

we have paid

1 month ago

Okay wait 3 confirmations

1 month ago

Please send us universal decryptor now that there are 3 confirms. Thank you

1 month ago

To use a decryptor run it as administrator and turn off antivirus before. You can use a decryptor as gui application or through cmd. CMD commands: UniversalDecryptor.exe -full UniversalDecryptor.exe -path "C:\folder" UniversalDecryptor.exe -file "C:\folder\file.txt.random_ext" * decryptor with -full option will decrypt all with default params. If you use it as gui application, mI recommend you choose "create backups" option. If you use decryptor without this option, you should not interrupt decryption process, otherwise some files will be irreversibly damaged.

1 month ago

Thank you, please send us the file tree as well?

1 month ago


1 month ago

please confirm all files are deleted?

1 month ago

Hi are you there?

1 day ago

all files was deleted

1 day ago

there is some issue and need your help

1 day ago


1 day ago


1 day ago

Can you please provide the invoice??

1 day ago

We do not issue invoices

1 day ago

any other method please??

1 day ago

Please understand I will lost my job.. Higher management is asking for it.

1 day ago

wait for answer.

1 day ago

ok I am waiting Thanks

1 day ago

Please help me fast please it's a humble request.. Higher management is keep pinging me & asking for it

1 day ago

It's about my job please understand. I don't want to lose my job. I have my loans and debts which I have to pay. Please help me fast

1 day ago

are you there???

1 day ago

kindly reply me.. please understand my situation

1 day ago

wait for answer

1 day ago

This information is provided by Valéry Marchive