Good evening Sir, as I predicted on Wednesday or Thursday (sorry, last
week was like crazy hell for me, very little sleep, very stressful, and
almost no time for my young kids), the charity's leaderhip could not
make a decision before the weekend. As predicted they asked me to ask
you to delay reply until after the weekend (Monday afternoon), as well
as to seek, if possible, additional discount to 1M. I told them,
bluntly, that I'm not sure about additional discount, becasue from what I
understood from you, what your boss already approved was beyond the
ususal discount you give. I left board meeting really frustrated, first
of all on a personal level, due to the fact that I thought I will have a
quite weekend, handing over our correspondance to the person who will
take care of execution and buying the XMR, but also because I have no
face to disspoint you. I know that you expect an answer, and I feel bad
that I can't deliver any positive results at the moment. I need to ask
you for an extension. I'll be here to reply to all your notes, to
provide you with any background information you need, and even if you
want to exchange weekend receipies. Board and trustees will reconvene
after the weekend, on Monday morning, and on the positive side, it gives
me time to talk and to be successful in persuading them to complete the
deal in order to recover all systems by Tuesady/Wednesdy. Thanks in
advance for you understandging. I really appreciate it. Respectfully,
10 days ago