Ransomware Victim
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Discovery Date: 2024-02-09 14:37
Estimated Attack Date: 2024-02-02
Willis Lease Finance Corporation has been a pioneer and provider of aviation services for over 45 years. Launched by founder Charles Willis with the then new and radical idea to lease jet engines to commercial airlines, WLFC has since purchased, leased, and sold more engines in more countries over a longer period of time than any independent competitor. We offer one of the broadest product lines in the industry, including engine types from all major manufacturers, lease terms to meet any operational need, engine pools and engine financing, sale leasebacks, forward purchases, finance leases and engine management. As a pioneer in establishing cooperative engine sharing pools, our North American CFM56-7B Engine Sharing Pool provides services for more than 600 aircraft and continues to be the market leader.SITE: www.willislease.com www.wlfc.global Address : 4700 Lyons Technology Parkway Coconut Creek, Florida 33073 USA Tel: +1 561.349.9989ALL DATA SIZE: 910gb 1. CompanyFolders 2. Executive 3. Finance-Acctg 4. Human-Resources 5. Customers 6. Personnel 7. Users Shared Folders, Documents 8. Confidentiality & Nondisclosure Agrs and etc…