Ransomware Victim

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Ransomware.livedoes not exfiltrate, download, host, repost, or disclose any stolen data. Any legal concerns regarding the content should be directed at the attackers, notRansomware.live. This platform is dedicated to cybersecurity awareness, reporting on ransomware incidents to inform the public.Ransomware.liveoperates independently, with no affiliation or alignment with any ransomware groups, and does not host or distribute infringing content. All information is automatically gathered and redacted from publicly accessible sources, including ransomware leak sites on the dark web.

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Discovery Date: 2024-12-17 00:50
Estimated Attack Date: 2024-12-16

👆** Oops, all the files have been encrypted 🔥 __Target Information__ : ****Phantom Security Group is a security company that provides integrated solutions. It was established over 35 years ago and operates in the Greater Toronto Area. The company specializes in installing surveillance cameras, alarm systems, and access control systems. It collaborates with trusted companies such as "Axis Communications" and "Kantech."**** [+] ****phantomsecurity.ca**** 💌 DragonRaaS 💟 ~**

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