10 cyberattacks published in the press for Hong Kong

This information is provided by Valery Marchive

This page lists all the cyberattacks referenced by Valéry Marchive for Hong Kong.
Valéry is a French journalist and cybersecurity expert known for his deep investigations into cybercrime, particularly ransomware attacks. He co-founded LeMagIT a French IT publication
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Oxfam Hong Kong

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Discovery Date: 2024-07-26
Estimated Attack Date: 2024-07-10

黑客入侵樂施會|7.10早上發現系統遭網絡攻擊 捐款者資料或外泄

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Hong Kong Institute of Architects

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Discovery Date: 2024-07-03
Estimated Attack Date: 2024-07-02

建筑师学会及建筑注册管理局遭勒索软件攻击 网站服务中断 个人资料或外泄 | 星岛日报

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俊思集团 (Junsi Group) et Brooks Brothers

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Discovery Date: 2024-06-19
Estimated Attack Date: 2024-06-16

俊思集团系统遭入侵 5.4万服装店会员及员工资料外泄|即时新闻|港澳|on.cc东网

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Hong Kong Institute of Contemporary Culture Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity

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Discovery Date: 2024-05-23
Estimated Attack Date: 2024-05-20

Over 600 people's personal data stolen after school server hacked

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Hong Kong Arts Development Council

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Discovery Date: 2024-05-01
Estimated Attack Date: 2024-04-26

香港藝發局網絡遭攻擊 暫未發現有資料洩露 | am730

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仁安醫院 (Union Hospital)

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Discovery Date: 2024-04-20
Estimated Attack Date: 2024-04-20

仁安醫院網絡遭黑客攻擊 稱未發現病人資料洩漏|本地|商業電台 881903

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South China Athletic Association

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Discovery Date: 2024-03-19
Estimated Attack Date: 2024-03-17

South China Athletic Association hit by cyber-attack | The Standard

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Université de Hong Kong

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Discovery Date: 2024-02-11
Estimated Attack Date: 2024-01-30


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Hong Kong Ballet

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Discovery Date:
Estimated Attack Date: 2023-10-16

HK Ballet website in ransomware attack | The Standard

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Conseil des consommateurs

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Discovery Date:
Estimated Attack Date: 2023-09-20

消委會黑客入侵|員工客戶資料7小時予取予攜 消委會:不交贖金